America Make This Pledge – Christian Independence Day – New Pledge of Allegiance (Christian Poems)

On this Christian Independence Day, we ask you America, make this pledge. This is a new pledge of allegiance for Christians. I pray we can be one country under God, by being one people under God. This Christian poem is featured in the new release Christian poetry book, Poetry for Thought 3: Looking to Thee.Continue reading “America Make This Pledge – Christian Independence Day – New Pledge of Allegiance (Christian Poems)”

A Pastor’s Personal Testimony

This is a sermon where I give my testimony and discuss the spiritual and physical adversity, I faced in becoming a preacher. In this sermon you will discover the “us” in God’s purpose and you will discover how you can change your outlook to change the lives of those around you.    

No Goodbyes

Hello All! I wanted to give you another peek into my second book Poetry for Thought 2: A Journey Within. This poetry reading is of a poem named “No Goodbyes.” This poem is about the loss of a loved one. This poem covers the difficulty one faces when they lose a loved one. Accepting theContinue reading “No Goodbyes”

Poetry Reading and a NEW YouTube PAGE?

First Poetry Reading! My Poem, “A Picture,” was read by my wife, Brandy. This poem is from my first book, Poetry for Thought: A Tale of Life and is available on Amazon now, along with my BRAND-NEW BOOK: Poetry for Thought 2: A Journey Within. Hope You Enjoy!

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